Self-Respect, Motivation, Responsibility, Accountability & Desire = Hope
Resources supporting unity & restorative rehabilitation are: Department of Justice Canada (2013); Burns, Howell, Wlig, Augimeri, Welsh, Loeber and Petechuk (2003)
Please view full articles & support growth through inclusiveness & genuine empathy
The Youth Criminal Justice Act Summary and Background. (2013, December 24). Retrieve from
Burns, B., Howell, J., Wlig, J., Augimeri, L., Welsh, B., Loeber, R., & Petechuk, D. (2003, March 1).
Treatment, Services, and Intervention Programs for Child Delinquents. Retrieve from
A Shout-Out To Professor J. Singh - CRIM 1000 Semester 1 (1st. course - B.S.S. Criminal Justice) - This Professor's training & guidance prepared me for the journey (4 years). Forever Thankful J.K.
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